Sales Training Workshop

Let’s make this year your biggest!

Get it now – FREE report on how to easily increase sales in just ten days

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It’s worthwhile to ask yourself:

What has changed?

How will the rest of the year be any different?

What can YOU do to make it different?

One step you can take is to build your skills in making sales. For most people, they have a very limited view of how to do that.

But, there is a way to make it more profitable, less time consuming, and a whole lot more FUN!

Become a truly dynamic successful sales presenter by gaining a powerful approach to help position you as the natural solution to your client’s problems. You’ll learn a whole new way of prospecting and positioning to get the least resistance in your sales.

Learn how to stand out by leaving this workshop with a simple game plan that will strategically build your business.

In this workshop, here is what you will discover:

  • how to make compelling presentations that close sales and position you as the number one choice for your clients (this is very rarely done properly and will give you a tremendous edge)
  • how to have get your clients to pay for you to present to them as they give you all the information you need to sell your solution
  • how to flush out and handle any objections the client has
  • how to effectively follow up on potential sales without annoying the prospect
  • strategies to build your credibility and positioning as the expert in your field (not just ‘another salesperson’)
  • how to create special offers that reduce the “haggling” process and make it easy for clients to say YES
  • how to automate the lead generating process of getting prospects so you can spend time focusing on your most important clients
  • how to set up a powerful referral system that has clients coming to you without you doing any of the “hard sell” cold calling
  • how most sales people are making it hard for themselves because they don’t have the right strategy. Most salespeople are so stuck in the rut of “Get new clients” they’re missing the real profit that’s right in front of them
  • how to use the internet to stay on the lookout for intelligence on competitors, current affairs relevant to your clients, and ideas to increase sales in your industry
  • how to use publicity to increase your positioning and your sales
  • how to increase the price on what you sell
  • overcome fears – yours and the prospects!
  • boost your confidence
  • increase sales and territory planning efficiency
  • techniques for closing the sale

Register your interest our In-House or Webinar training

Want to find out more?

Register online, below;

Outline specifically the area you would like to focus on and we’ll contact you within 24 hours.