How to Present with Confidence and Impact
The Outcome for You
Only a small percentage of the business community actually know how to give a knockout presentation.
Put simply, at the end of this course each participant will be a better presenter than when they started.
They will have a clear methodology of preparation to apply when creating their presentation.
They’ll know how to use their own style and personality to present with mastery, confidence and not bore their audience. They will know how to more effectively win the deal with their skill in moving the audience to action.
Public Speaking with Confidence
Here is a list of some of the key objectives you will see achieved as a result of this training.
The Structure of your Presentation
- Being able to assemble and synthesise a large amount of information into its most digestible, persuasive form. It must be achieved without overloading or confusing the audience i.e. ‘don’t tell me how you made the clock, just tell me the time!’.
- Organise your ideas into a structure that best delivers your critical message
- Developing a methodology for making effective Powerpoint presentations (as well as using other visual aids as cues)
- Clearly communicating the information when delivering presentations so that the ‘take home message’ the audience walks away with is exactly the one we intended
The Style to Communicate your Presentation:
- How to take the best of your own style and enhance the effectiveness of the presentation. Being a great presenter is not about becoming someone you’re not, rather it’s about becoming the best presenter by utilising your own unique style.
- Exactly how to use your tone, words and body language to present in a compelling way that has the listeners excited to hear what’s coming next
- Tips to increase your energy and ‘presence’ when you present to a group so you stand out amongst your competitors
- Strategies for dealing with difficult/challenging people in the audience and how to keep control of the presentation without being derailed
- Tips to increase your confidence in presenting with impact
- Walk away with an energised motivation to improve their skill and impact in this powerful, important communication skill
Training Specifics
Class Size
We recommend that face-to-face workshop training sessions have groups of up to eight participants. Given each participant is giving at least three presentations each, this is the best size to allow for customised, specific feedback for each individual.
Employee turnout will not affect any pricing structure, as payment is based on per class rather than per head.
Workshop Methodology
Interactive, dynamic and experiential
Individual, small group and large group discussions
Personal reflection and engagement
Course Outline
Note – this is a guide only, and can change based on the input of the client and what they want to achieve with the team
1. Introduction, Overview & Personal Presentations
- Welcome and Overview of course
- Introductions
- 5 min Presentations
2. Foundations for ‘Presenting with Confidence’
- Defining your main objective and ‘call to action’
- Planning & Preparation
- Audience & Company Analysis
- Research & preparing of information
- Different learning styles you need to prepare for in your presentation
3. Presentation Structure
Putting together your presentation from start to finish by planning:
- Your opening remarks
- A creative opening to get the audience’s attention
- The introduction of your actual subject
- Preparing and outlining your agenda
- The body of your presentation – taking the audience through your main points
- Summarising your main points to drive the message home
- Your final conclusion and call to action
4. Technology
- Microsoft Powerpoint tips: how to utilise Powerpoint to help support your message
- Visual Impact (Using Technology and Support Material)
- Room Set-up
5. Communication and Influencing Skills
- Body language
- Tone
- Words
- How to use all these elements to have presence, impact and engagement
- Strategies to move your audience to action (the logical next step)
- Lessons from the masters – strategies that the great performers and communicators utilise every day and how can adopt that into our presentation style
- Adapting these strategies into your natural style to enhance your strengths
The key theme is always: Practise – Practise – Practise
For Further Enquiries
If you wish to register or find out more – simply send an email to Elliot Hayes with your query or suggest a time you’d like us to contact you.
Case Studies from other Clients (don’t take my word for it)
‘Elliot was very positive in the ways that i can improve my presentation….I cannot think of any ways of improving this course…I will use the presentation planning structure for all my presentations both within and external of Sanitarium…the mixture of theory and practise really suited this course.’
Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing – Sales Team
‘Elliot, your dynamic and inspirationally presentation on ‘How to use the Power of Innovation in your Marketing and Sales to Boost Profits’ will go down as a highlight in our event calendar.
The feedback we have had from participants has been overwhelming, their message was consistent, “great night, memorable evening, fun event, Elliot’s delivery style was honest and full of energy, his ideas and knowledge has left us inspired to make changes in our approach to marketing.’
Lynda Bredin – Manager Business Development – Glen Eira City Council
‘Excellent theory…practical session…experienced facilitator.’
University of Melbourne
‘Gave me way beyond my expectations. Truly achieved its goal.’
Object Consulting
‘It was brilliant. Elliot’s energy – a constant reminder of what it is to be a great presenter!’
Centre for MultiCultural Youth
‘Facilitator was very engaging…lots of practical exercises…excellent content’
Magistrate Court of Australia
‘I would like to personally thank you for such an enriching day. I am already starting to implement changes & there will be more to come over the next few months. I also have mentioned this to the training department at Honda Australia in Tullamarine. They would appreciate it if you could touch base with to perhaps organise some future training.’
Frank Interdonato – Honda Australia